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Karya dalam Pameran #RitaWidagdo #Ekuilibrium

Sequence (2004)

68.5 x 14 x 5 cm

Four Sections (1980)

Plat besi, cat
182 x 30 x 30 cm

Formed Surface and Line (1996)

64.5 x 94 x 4 cm

Irama Air (1994)

86 x 54 x 5 cm


Dialogue Between Flat Area and Waved Form (1987)

80 x 63 x 4 cm

From Two to Three Dimensions (1982)

Plat dan pipa besi, cat
101 x 117 x 84 cm

Wrapping (1992)

Pipa dan plat besi, cat
80 x 77 x 7 cm

Mekar (1982)

Plat besi, cat
69 x 76 x 2 cm

The Softness of Shadow (1983)

Plat tembaga, cat
66 x 57.5 x 8 cm

Surface in Movement (1980)

Plat besi, cat
80 x 63 x 4 cm

Joy (1994)

206 x 36 x 30 cm

Relief VII (1997)

Aluminium Dural, anodized sebagian dengan warna merah
105 x 70 x 3 cm

Light and Shadow (1997)

63 x 72 x 6 cm

Tree with Buds II (2008)

Kayu Jati
172 x 32 x 20 cm

Empati (2008)

63 x 72 x 6 cm

Dynamic Wave (1996)

48 x 36 x 19 cm

Cakra (2004)

Resin (electroplating)
45 x 42 x 13 cm

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